Webinar: Waffen.still.stand (armistice, ceasefire; literally: arms stand still) around the globe: What is needed for peace?


Webinar: Cease.fire around the globe: What is needed for peace?

Peace activists from different continents talk with you about their realities and alternatives to armed interventions.

This Webinar is in English!

Date & Time: 30th of June 2020, 6:00pm – 7:30pm CEST

Meet the panelists

Light Aganwa from South Sudan has been a trainer for non-violence for many years. He is a founding member of the Sudanese Organization for Nonviolence and Development and contributed to various peace initiatives with different stakeholders including grassroots communities and governments. Currently he is part of the international committee of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Dr Hakim Young is a medical doctor who works with the Afghan Peace Volunteers, a multiethnic Afghan grassroots group, which is focusing on building nonviolent relationships and practices of a green, equal and nonviolent world. He is especially passionate about learning through relationships with the human family and therefore working on a Relational Learning Project.
Alejandro Parra Macías from Colombia has been a conscientious objector for 17 years. He is a founding member of the Colombian Collective Action for Conscientious Objection, where he currently facilitates its pedagogical and investigative activities. As a social studies teacher and social researcher he focuses on intercultural communication, ethnic education and cultural diversity
Irmgard Ehrenberger
Irmgard Ehrenberger (facilitator) has been working for the Austrian Branch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation for more than 20 years. Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, Active Peace Policy and program-coordination for Colombia and Turkey are only some of her fields of work.

This Webinar will take place on ZOOM. We will send out the required link the day before the webinar.

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