E-mail an die Delegation der EU in Kolumbien

E-mail an die Delegation der Europäischen Union in Kolumbien

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E-Mail Adresse der Europäischen Kommission: delegation-colombia@eeas.europa.eu


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am concerned by the death of two young people in Buenaventura. In July, Christian Aragón Valenzuela,15, was shot by paramilitaries in the back while fleeing attackers who were trying to forcibly recruit him. Sol Ángel Mina, 17, was fatally stabbed while trying to protect Christian. This occurred on July 19, 2015 at 7:50pm only 500 meters from the Puente Nayero Humanitarian Space. They were attacked by three men identified as members of the neo-paramilitary group “Gaitanistas.”

This happened simply because their families refused to be silent, refused to allow their children to be recruited by the paramilitaries, and refused to allow their daughters to be subjected to sexual violence. Although the family was awarded protective measures by the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights (IACHR), the family has yet to receive material protection from the Colombian state.

I urge the the EU Delegation to Colombia to pressure for:

1) A swift and thorough investigation into these crimes and execution of justice

2) That the Colombian government fully implement the protective measures granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for the Puente Nayero Humanitarian Space.


Please treat this matter with your utmost attention.
